GSolver Purchase

Thank you for your interest in GSolver.
When you purchase GSolver (Full or Lite version) you will recieve an e-mail with a download link and a software unlock key code.

[These are self-extracting ZIP files which copy 6 files to the destination directory: GSolver.ini, GSolverV61.exe (the main exectuable), Leagal Notice.pdf, LicenseStatement.pdf, UserManual61.pdf, PEGRP6SG.dll]

Current Version: (check by right clicking the exe, properties->details)

GSolver Full $795
GSolver Lite $195
DEMO version of GSOLVER V6.1
V6.1 Users Manual
Version 6.1 - User Manual
Link to current version of GSolver (Aug2023).
Link to current version of GSolverL (Aug2023).
Link to current version of GSolver zip (Aug2023).
Link to current version of GSolverL zip (Aug2023).

Legacy code: GSolverV52

Legacy code: GSolverV52L

Legacy code: GSolver.ini

You may upgrade to the current version of GSOLVER by downloading the install file listed above.

If you have any questions while using GSOLVER please contact